"Engineering Methodology" and "Procurement & Aggregation"

Engineering Methodology
EA's engineers will analyze your accounts for overcharges, errors, and discrepancies as a result of technological equipment failures, human billing or evaluation errors, incorrectly calculated bills, distribution scheme anomalies, etc.
We will conduct a detailed analysis of all energy accounts taking into consideration energy rates, riders, regulations, addendums, special clauses, waivers, etc. With our vast experience, we are able to cite specific examples of established precedent which is vital in discovering and articulating to energy companies anomalies that have occurred and to establish recourse for these anomalies.
For over a quarter century EA has developed highly sought after proprietary (copyrighted) software programs that are instrumental in discovering and implementing the millions of dollars in refunds and savings achieved for our clients. With these sophisticated computer programs we will conduct a comparative analysis of your energy data and, with the many clients in our database, correlate your cost with those of others whose usage patterns and operations are similar to yours, but who may be paying less. An engineer will then review this information to decide on the best course of action. This is a key factor in detecting errors and overcharges because it is virtually impossible for any individual company to know another users cost, usage patterns, and operations to compare with their own. We then negotiate with your energy companies, using this data, to obtain refunds and savings.
One variable alone may not accentuate an anomaly or error in billing. However, similar to putting a puzzle together, multiple variables working in conjunction with one another will highlight an error or anomaly. Putting this puzzle together requires skill and experience which EA has acquired over the past quarter-century.
"You do not have to be a non-profit business to be eligible for tax-exempt status. Many commercial and industrial businesses are eligible for significant tax breaks, and your company might be one of them...."
- The Wall Street Journal

Procurement & Aggregation
We will not limit our analysis to past and current aspects of your billings but will analyze it with an eye for the future. With the gas industry already deregulated (referred to as "Customer Choice") and the electric industry either deregulated or fast approaching deregulation, we will conduct our analysis and make our recommendations based on the intricacies involved in the procurement of these commodities in a competitive environment. Customer Choice has created new opportunities for your company but has also created many new responsibilities. Creating a department that can manage these new responsibilities will require Time, Money, Risk and Workforce. We can provide that service now and in the future at no Risk or Expense on your part. It is imperative that you prepare your facility now in order to immediately take advantage of the opportunities arising from competition in the electric and gas industries. Our analysis will focus on how to best prepare your organization for these opportunities.
As an energy broker, EA will submit and negotiate offers with electric, natural gas and other fuel suppliers. These offers will be based on the most economical method to purchase these commodities.
We will provide in-depth explanations of our commodity pricing negotiations. As a result, your staff will become educated in the intricacies of commodity purchasing strategies and procedures. The knowledge that we impart on your personnel is in integral part of the value we provide.
Keep in mind that price advantages go to the companies with the most experience in buying energy commodities. As a leader in competitive energy markets and as an experienced - registered - aggregator, with over a quarter century of experience in this field, we provide that expertise.
As a part of our long-term services, we will continue to guide your company and monitor market prices, conditions and anomalies to determine short, mid and long-term pricing opportunities. We will also research and compare all potential suppliers in terms of competitive pricing, quality of service, reliability, value-added services and intangibles.
EA Power Solutions also operates as an energy broker that integrates multiple accounts into purchasing pools for the purpose of securing competitive power prices. These large aggregated pools allow us to achieve economy of scale and to structure our loads into high load factor (LF) groups which provides us with greater leverage and purchasing power in negotiations with suppliers. In addition, these large pools allows us to receive volume discounts which approximate wholesale pricing. It also attracts competing suppliers which creates a competitive bid process that benefits all the members of our aggregated group.
Load Factor (LF) is a measurement of the efficiency with which electrical energy is being used. A good load factor (the higher the better) implies a more constant rate of electrical usage. An example of a high LF consumer would be a facility that operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. On a graph, a low LF would look more like a rollorcoaster with large peaks and valleys. A high LF allows a supplier to more easily predict when and how much power to dispatch and thus rewards these loads with premium pricing. In contrast, a low LF will require suppliers to purchase high priced excess capacity (i.e. from peaking generation plants) during unexpected peaks and must resell unused power during random down times (i.e. valleys). With our vastly diversified loads, EA can manipulate these loads to fill in the peaks and valleys and thus shape the LF into a highly attractive and predictable load.
In addition, our knowledge of the industry (over a quarter century of experience) allows us to forecast pricing effectively and to structure pricing models in an efficient manner (i.e. through price hedging, index pricing, firm pricing - when competitive, etc.) and thus allows us to provide our clients with the best prices available. We also provide performance reports which depict our market success, a comparative analysis of supplier pricing versus your incumbent utility company pricing, a comparative analysis of various EA power pricing models (proposed versus accepted), etc.. For these reasons - and more - our services achieve more competitive pricing than would be achieved independently.
"Another big source of problems is utilities. Their use of arcane terms as 'electric fuel adjustment', 'meter multipliers', and 'therms' confuses many customers"
- Philadelphia Inquirer